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The Anglican Office Book 2nd Ed. with the Holy Bible

The Anglican Office Book is a complete resource for the recitation of the Daily Offices of the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer, supplemented with an expanded Kalendar, anthems, hymns, responses, and collects from the Sarum Breviary, other regional Books of Common Prayer, and the wider Western liturgical tradition. In addition to the Prayer-Book orders of Mattins and Evensong, it contains a complete cursus of the Little Hours, derived from the Sarum and Benedictine uses.


Print and digital publications created by the community of St. Andrew's. Click... 

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Fresh roasted coffee beans are richer and more flavorful than that stuff you get from the grocery store. Our Feather River Drive Decaffeinated is a Swiss Water Processed Honduran bean at a light French roast. It makes a wonderful pot of coffee and pulls a great shot. You won’t believe you’re drinking decaf!

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