We pray that you and yours enjoyed your Thanksgiving time to gather together to feast and give thanks for all of your blessings!
As we begin Advent may we all be constantly reminded of the 'good tidings of great joy' —the Good News that lies above and beyond our circumstances!
Like you, we here at St. Andrew’s have been riding a rollercoaster of circumstances and emotions over the last few years—including some that could get in the way of our gratitude. Yet we are reminded of St. Augustine’s wisdom as we entrust all of it to our gracious and merciful heavenly Father:
"Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love, and the future to God's providence."
— Augustine
As we look forward to the new year—and look back over the past—we know we would not be able to do what we do today at St. Andrew’s without a generous network of committed supporters. We are thankful for you!
You’ve probably heard of GivingTuesday, the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.
We know as a Christian ministry we rely upon enthusiastic supporters for more than just one day of the year!
In that same spirit we’d like to encourage you to consider a donation to St. Andrew's today in support of a specific current need we’ve assigned to our GivingTuesday donations that we will collect through Advent.
We need to patch a hole in our technology/computer resources that will cost $5000.
If only 1000 people on our team each gave as little as $5 our GivingTuesday goal would be met!
As always, any gift of support is appreciated. And we appreciate most of all your prayers for guidance, wisdom and provision for our mission as a church, school (and now college!) raising up children and young adults with a Christian educational foundation so desperately needed at this critical moment in our culture.
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